Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual


Meet the AI who
prospects for you

Meet the AI who
prospects for you

Target your prospects from linkedin and our AI contact them automatically with the perfect 1:1 email to build meaningful relationships. Our users book 3x more calls with SalesTouch.

Target your prospects from linkedin and our AI contact them automatically with the perfect 1:1 email to build meaningful relationships. Our users book 3x more calls with SalesTouch.

Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background

Connect to your ideal customers
with one single click

Target your prospects from linkedin and our AI contacts them automatically with the perfect 1:1 email to build meaningful relationships. Our users book 3x more calls with SalesTouch.


Target anyone
from Linkedin in one click.

Target your ideal customers on linkedin and SalesTouch will prospect them. That's all.

With one click, you will :
Analyse your prospect news and personality
- Create a unique sales pitch to maximize conversion
- Write the perfect email for the perfect prospect

Prospecting has never been that simple.

Target your ideal customers on linkedin and SalesTouch will prospect them. That's all.

With one click, you will :
- Analyse your prospect news and personality
- Create a unique sales pitch to maximize conversion
- Write the perfect email for the perfect prospect

Prospecting has never been that simple.


Cold-email are outdated. It's boring and tedious.

Cold-email are outdated. It's boring and tedious.

Cold emailing fails to make an impact. It's impersonal, uncontrollable, and often viewed as spam. Everyone gets the same, predictable message—lost in a sea of sameness.

With planning locked from the start and declining results, it's time for a change.

Stand out, not just send out.

Cold emailing fails to make an impact. It's impersonal, uncontrollable, and often viewed as spam. Everyone gets the same, predictable message—lost in a sea of sameness.

With planning locked from the start and declining results, it's time for a change.

Stand out, not just send out.

Cold emailing fails to make an impact. It's impersonal, uncontrollable, and often viewed as spam. Everyone gets the same, predictable message—lost in a sea of sameness.

With planning locked from the start and declining results, it's time for a change.

Stand out, not just send out.


Our AI powered emailing
makes real connections.

Our Smart Alert System keeps you in the know. Receive instant notifications on critical shifts in market dynamics, competitor moves, or emerging trends.

Our Smart Alert System keeps you in the know. Receive instant notifications on critical shifts in market dynamics, competitor moves, or emerging trends.

Our Smart Alert System keeps you in the know. Receive instant notifications on critical shifts in market dynamics, competitor moves, or emerging trends.


We help amazing entrepreneurs meet their next customers

Before SalesTouch, I was overwhelmed by the thought of sales and marketing. Now, I just set my target and the system does the rest—personalized outreach at its best. It's freed up my time so I can focus on my product work and not worry about finding the next client.

Mory Fodé-Cissé
Founder, Nocode Iroh Academy

As someone who hates the sales part of entrepreneurship, SalesTouch has been a lifesaver. It handles prospecting so efficiently that I can stay focused on what I do best—creating. It’s easy to use, fast, and the results speak for themselves. "

Younès Benallal
Founder, Holly & Stick

Spread your love
with SalesTouch

Made for makers

SalesTouch is made for people who builds amazing stuff but lack time to show it to the world. It's easy, lightning-fast and efficient.


We focus on building real human connection with a 100% unique approach for each prospect, far better than just "Hey {FirstName}".


Effective prospecting honor the recipient's time and attention. We also take care of their data and are GDPR friendly.


Build your
growth machine.

Build your
growth machine.

Build your
growth machine.

SalesTouch handle the hard work of finding and reaching your prospects. With our Open API, leverage your automated prospection to create your own automated growth machine.

SalesTouch handle the hard work of finding and reaching your prospects. With our Open API, leverage your automated prospection to create your own automated growth machine.

SalesTouch handle the hard work of finding and reaching your prospects. With our Open API, leverage your automated prospection to create your own automated growth machine.

  • Things

    Handy to-do list

  • Notion

    Plan you life

  • Loom

    Record in a breeze

  • Things

    Handy to-do list

  • Notion

    Plan you life

  • Loom

    Record in a breeze

  • Things

    Handy to-do list

  • Notion

    Plan you life

  • Loom

    Record in a breeze

  • Mailchimp

    Smart newsletter

  • Github

    Code repository

  • Confluence

    Productivity boosted

  • Mailchimp

    Smart newsletter

  • Github

    Code repository

  • Confluence

    Productivity boosted

  • Mailchimp

    Smart newsletter

  • Github

    Code repository

  • Confluence

    Productivity boosted

  • Slack

    Timely messaging

  • Codepen

    Code repository

  • Intercom

    Customer care

  • Slack

    Timely messaging

  • Codepen

    Code repository

  • Intercom

    Customer care

  • Slack

    Timely messaging

  • Codepen

    Code repository

  • Intercom

    Customer care


You built something great.
Now tell the world.

Detect your next
big move

Prospecting is the way to turn your offer into a success.
Try SalesTouch and accelerate your business.

Tous droits réservés SalesTouch | Copyright© 2024 - Conditions Générales d'Utilisation - Politique de confidentialité

Tous droits réservés SalesTouch | Copyright© 2024 - Conditions Générales d'Utilisation - Politique de confidentialité

Tous droits réservés SalesTouch | Copyright© 2024 - Conditions Générales d'Utilisation - Politique de confidentialité